Work Experience
The Ohio State University | PhD | Sociology
Deans Distinguished University Fellow
The Ohio State University | MA | Sociology
Most Outstanding Pre-Candidacy Student
Bucknell University | BA | Sociology and Education
Honors, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
January 2020 -
Research Manager
Nonprofit Organization (Confidential)
Confidential project that provides internal research to help inform the foundation’s decision-making in community partnerships, investments, and advocacy for stronger public schools.
Design and execute end-to-end qualitative research: 1:1 interviews and moderate focus groups with students, parents, and educators to uncover day-to-day pain points in public school experiences
Translate research findings into strategic narratives and digestible reports to share insights with various stakeholders
Formalized research process to improve communication with cross-functional teams and stakeholders
Manage a team of up to 10 researchers at a time: onboarding, training, and delegating/overseeing all research work
August 2019-
December 2020
Lead Researcher and Project Manager
Dr. Hollie Nyseth (Brehm) Nzitatira
Managed the project “Genocide and its Aftermath: Rwanda” as data collection continued and analysis began.
Trained 11 undergraduates from diverse educational backgrounds in coding qualitative data; managed up to 15 at a time
Created and revised codebooks for multiple waves of qualitative interview data; managed Qualtrics survey
Prepared to co-teach a study abroad course for Ohio State students in Rwanda (pivoted to online due to Covid)
Coded and oversaw the coding of 300+ qualitative interviews in NVivo; measured agreement between coders
Co-writing policy brief with actionable insights for Rwanda Correctional Services; 2 journal manuscripts in progress
August 2017-December 2021
Doctoral Researcher
The Ohio State University
Engaged in original, independent qualitative research spanning topics of family, trauma, gender, sexuality, and education.
Published in the top academic journal in chosen subfield; presented research at 3 academic conferences
Clarified abstract concepts to 175+ students through storytelling and measured learning outcomes as a TA for 3 courses
Facilitated 3 workshops for 20+ graduate students on conducting in-depth interviews on traumatic topics
Trained 20+ faculty and students across 3 disciplines in using qualitative analysis software NVivo
Completed a dissertation: First Gen Families: How First-Generation College Students Experience Family Relationships.
Collaborated on research design: survey creation, participant recruitment, 1:1 interviews with ~80 participants
Independently conducted 40+ interviews in person and remotely; coded 150+ qualitative interviews in NVivo
Mentored and trained 3 undergraduates in literature compilation, interviewing, and coding qualitative interviews
Provided actionable insights to the Office of Student Life; 2 journal manuscripts in progress
August 2015-
May 2018
Researcher and Project Manager
Dr. Jennifer Silva
Helped bring Dr. Silva's book, We're Still Here: Pain and Politics in the Heart of America, to completion.
Assisted in data collection; assured deadlines were met for publishers and assisted in copy editing
Independently coded 100+ qualitative in-depth interviews (1:1, dyads, triads)
Collaborated on academic publications aimed at understanding how people make political decisions
Book now assigned in undergraduate courses in universities across the US, reaching hundreds of students
UX Foundation Research
UX Research Methods:
Card Sorting
Usability Testing
Creating Personas
Mobile Diary Studies
Guerrilla Tactics
Journey Mapping
Empathy Mapping
Experience Mapping
UX Remote Research
Research Design
Project Management
Focus Groups
Content Analysis
Archival Research
Biographical Research
Public Speaking